The actual number of scientific peer-reviewed publications published by Dr Stefano Cotrufo to date.
The number of conferences and courses attended as a speaker, teacher or delegate.
The total number of languages spoken fluently by our team.
The growing number of surgical procedures performed by Dr Stefano Cotrufo.
Attention to detail is at the heart of everything we do, from the moment you walk into our Harley Street clinic to your surgery.
On your first visit to the clinic, you’ll meet Dr Cotrufo straight away. He’ll take time to listen to your expectations, understand your goals and make a full face/ body and health examination; enabling him to design a bespoke procedure plan where balance and a natural look are key.
Prior to your procedure, you’ll again meet with Dr Cotrufo, who will review with you in detail, all aspects of the planned procedure, answering any questions you may have about the operation, your recovery, medications and your post-operative care.
Your recovery will be supervised by Dr Cotrufo, who’ll give you individualised attention, special care, and monitor your recovery progress, immediately after your procedure and during your follow up visits.
Our consultations are held at 10 Harley Street.
The boutique clinic accommodates our state of the art equipment as well as providing a comfortable place to relax in.
© 2023 Dr Stefano Cotrufo | All rights reserved
© 2023 Dr Stefano Cotrufo | All rights reserved